1More Nutrients, Fewer Calories
Beetroots, or more commonly known as beets, are probably the last thing you’ll pick at your local grocery’s produce section. You may not be aware of it, but both its greens and roots are actually very beneficial for your overall health.
This superfood is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds to help you combat diseases. On top of that, it’s easy on your diet. Hence, it’s a great option if you’re looking to shed some pounds or improve your nutrition.
Beet has a reputation for not having that visual appeal similar to a lot of root vegetables. But looks aside, this veggie is versatile, tastes good, and has been associated with numerous health benefits. These include lowering your blood pressure to enhancing your workout performance.
So to truly recognize its value and potential, here are the top nutritional impacts of beets to your health.
Beets contain very low calories. In fact, a one-cup serving of beets only has around 60 calories. So whether you eat it raw or add it to your salad, you will not feel guilty. It’s not only very healthy but it will easily make you fill full as well.
Plus, this vegetable has a sweet taste, making it a great alternative to satisfy your sweet tooth minus calorie overload from sugary snacks. Also, if you love snacking on unhealthy, deep-fried chips, raw beets are an excellent alternative since they’re also crunchy.