15 Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease You Have To Be Aware Of

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15 Symptoms Of Parkinson's Disease- 00115 Symptoms Of Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that impairs movement. The disease that affects as much one million Americans tends to rear its ugly head during mid to late age, usually around 60. Nevertheless, Parkinson’s may also develop on younger individuals, where those aged 21 to 50 may show its early signs. 

The early signs of this neurological disease are gradual and unnoticeable. Seldom, you may barely notice that one of your hands is trembling. However, as your condition progresses over time, the symptoms eventually worsen.

Medical experts break down the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in the following categories:

  • Primary motor symptoms. These symptoms typically impact your primary motor movements. When your brain sends messages to your spinal cord, causing contraction and movement of certain muscles.
  • Secondary motor symptoms. The set of symptoms under this category is the result of the primary motor symptoms.
  • Non-motor symptoms.  These are linked to your natural bodily functions, such as memory, sleep, and cognition.

You don’t need to provide every detail of your symptoms to get a diagnosis for Parkinson’s. There’s still no known cure for the disease. Nonetheless, certain medications may dramatically improve your symptoms. Also, your doctor may occasionally suggest surgery to help manage certain areas of your brain to improve your condition.
