15 Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease You Have To Be Aware Of


The early signs of Parkinson’s are broad and unclear. Likewise, it may include all three categories. What’s more, the symptoms may come and go during the early stages. According to most people, the exhaustion they feel seems to increase for long periods. Meanwhile, some say that they feel like they’re more passive, both mentally and physically. For these reasons, it’s not uncommon for individuals with the disorder to feel depressed at times. 

Furthermore, even if you’re physically active, you may encounter issues while doing your routine workout. For instance, if you’re a runner, you may observe that the movement of your legs is not in coordination with your entire body. Also, another early sign is when you begin shuffling when you walk or notice that your face is exhibiting a lack of movement. 

Mild tremor in your hands or feet is an early symptom of Parkinson’s disease as well, on top of a change in your handwriting’s size. Sometimes, the people around you notice these early symptoms while they’re not so apparent to you.