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10 Common Symptoms and Treatments of Amenorrhea

Symptoms of Primary Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea does not mean that you are infertile. Likewise, it’s not a disease. However, it may be a sign you have a health condition that you need to address. This condition comes in two types:

With that in mind, here are 10 of the most common symptoms of amenorrhea and how you can treat them.

Absence of Menstruation

If you’re a young lady without any menstrual flow, you’re most likely to have amenorrhea. Nevertheless, it may also mean that showing some of the most common signs of puberty. 

The age on which a woman gets her period differs. But if you’re still not menstruating at a specific age, then you have primary amenorrhea. The common treatments of this symptom will largely depend on what’s causing it. Your gynecologist may prescribe you with medications or advise you to undergo a certain surgery. In some cases, it can be a combination of both.

Genetic Defects


A genetic abnormality may also be causing the absence of your period. Most young women tend to dismiss this since they’re not fully aware that there’s already something with their bodies. Typically, these abnormalities can be anything from a vaginal septum to an imperforate hymen. There are even cases a woman is not born with a uterus or vagina. 

Moreover, your cervix may be too narrow, or there are blockages in it. If that’s the case, then taking medications will not resolve your condition. The best option for treating primary amenorrhea caused by a genetic or anatomical defect is to have surgery.

Anxiety or Depression

Another cause of primary amenorrhea is when you’re anxious or depressed. There are times there’s nothing truly wrong with your body and still never get your monthly flow. Often, this happens to those who are showing some manifestations of emotional problems, such as stress and depression.

Aside from lack of menstrual these moods can also lead to extreme weight loss and other complications. If this is the case, it’s highly advisable to seek a doctor’s help to treat the symptoms. Doing so can help you recover and maintain ideal body weight.

In terms of your emotional problems, the only person who can help you cope up with those feelings is yourself. Nonetheless, seeking professional help may also help you deal with your depression and anxiety. 

You’re Not Showing Any Signs Of Puberty

You may also be suffering from primary amenorrhea if you’re growing up and don’t notice any of the common signs of puberty. This can also be an indication that the condition is systematic or affecting your entire body. 

If you’re in a situation like this, it’s vital to consult with your doctor right away. Your doctor will usually provide you with the best possible treatment for your period to start. 

But if the treatment is not enough to remedy your condition, your doctor may prescribe you with special medications. These can help your body produce something similar to menstruation. Likewise, these medications can also help you feel more like the other ladies your age.

Symptoms of Secondary Amenorrhea –

Changes In Breast Size

One of the most common signs that you may have secondary amenorrhea is when you see your breasts change in size. However, if your case is severe, you may notice some milky discharge coming out of your nipples even if you’re not pregnant or just gave birth.

Nonetheless, these symptoms may also indicate that you have breast cancer or other more serious illnesses. If you see these signs, it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor immediately. 

Common Puberty Changes In Young Men

You may notice that the changes in your body are similar to those you in young boys entering puberty. These changes may include a lowered tone of voice, increased hair grown, and in some cases, you may experience your sex drive developing. Additionally, your skin may suffer from excessive acne.

When these symptoms appear, your doctor may likely prescribe you with specific medicines. These can help prevent further complications which may be the result of having low levels of estrogen. 

Your doctor may also suggest that you undergo a hormone replacement therapy that includes both progestin and estrogen. This can help treat your estrogen deficiency that may be the culprit of your secondary amenorrhea.

Dryness In Your Vagina

Vaginal dryness is another common sign you need to look out for. A woman’s vagina wall has thin a thin layer of moisture coating it. Therefore, your vagina will not dry up. But if you have this condition, you may experience some dryness in your vagina, which may make you feel uncomfortable or in pain at times.

Applying some sort of lubricant can remedy this symptom. But if you don’t feel any improvement at all, then it’s time to book an appointment with your OB-GYN. This symptom is not a walk in the park. And if you leave it untreated, it may lead to even more severe complications.

Unexplainable Weight Changes

Some women with secondary amenorrhea experience weight changes without any reason at all. Your weight may either shoot up or go down rapidly. The best way to shed those excess pounds off is to exercise more and adopt a much healthier lifestyle. On the other hand, if you’re underweight, try to eat more nutritious and healthier foods. 

Unless physical, there’s no need to take special medications for any of these symptoms. What you can do is to have the initiative to obtain the right weight for your body. Regular exercise and a proper diet can usually resolve the problem.

Vision Changes and Headaches

Another indication of amenorrhea is when you suddenly start to get headaches, or worst, migraines. Although this may be a sign of other diseases or disorders, it may also be the result of not having your monthly periods. 

Furthermore, you may also notice some vision changes with a reduction in your peripheral vision as the most prevalent indication. When you experience this, it’s crucial to consult with your physician immediately since this may turn into a more serious condition.

Disruption In Your Sleep Pattern

Secondary amenorrhea may also disrupt how you normally sleep. So if your menstruation did not rear its ugly head and you encounter other symptoms, then you probably have the condition. These may include hot flashes, night sweats, and even a disruptive sleep. And since you’re not getting enough rest at night, you may feel anxious and fatigue may settle in. 

Fortunately, there are several ways you can do to enhance your sleeping patterns. But if there’s no improvement after doing all the tricks in the book, then it’s time to give your doctor a visit. 

This type of condition may also mean that you have a much more severe underlying condition. Hence, it’s vital to have open communication with your physician to see if something’s not right with your body and to live a healthier life.
